Impact is our Middle Name.
Literally and Deliberately.


HIP’s mission is to generate a positive, measurable, impact on people, project, and performance.

Our projects are a reflection of our core values and dedication of our commitment to your maximum results.

We serve clients who are reaching underserved populations, including youth, formerly incarcerated individuals, military veterans, disability and special needs populations, and others.


HIP impacts federal, corporate, academic, nonprofit, and community-based clients



LEARN More about projects Impacted by HIP:

Grant Life Cycle Support Services

HIP recruits, vets, and hires professionals with grant management experience to serve as Grant Life Cycle Specialists for the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Our specialists perform administrative functions throughout the different phases of a federal grant: pre-award, award, and closeout. This position also supports the handling, processing, facilitation, development, modification, publication, and distribution of grant documentation. With this project, HIP checks two services areas: staffing that is critical to DOL’s mission, and grant management.


H-1B Ready to work

The U.S. Department of Labor H-1B Ready to Work Grant Program provided a range of interventions along a sector-based career pathway towards placement into middle- and high-skilled employment in H-1B industries and occupations. HIP provided ongoing technical assistance services, including site visits, written resources, webinars, trainings, and one-on-one coaching to 24 grantees.


Youth Career Connect

HIP supported 24 U.S. Department of Labor Youth Career Connect (YCC) grantees through coaching and technical assistance. The YCC program provided high school students with education and training that combines rigorous academic and career-focused curriculum with real-world, work-based learning opportunities. HIP provided virtual and in-person technical assistance services, including written resources, webinars, trainings, and one-on-one coaching to 24 grantees.


H-1B America’s Promise

HIP supported 23 grant organizations funded through the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) H-1B America’s Promise grants. The program aimed to provide individuals the opportunity to obtain high-quality, tuition-free education and training that leads to in-demand and industry-standard credentials and degrees. HIP provided grants management support to the DOL National Office and provided grantees with technical assistance and coaching, virtual trainings, and written resources.


Youth Apprenticeship Readiness Grants (YARG)

HIP administered support to 14 grant organizations implementing apprenticeship programs through the YARG Grant, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. HIP provided grants management, project management, technical assistance, and coaching services for this project.


Data Validation Management

Each year, HIP reviews data for nearly 7,000 records across 24 datasets in the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration communications database, and validates data for accuracy through data analysis. HIP provides dedicated staffing for this project.


America’s Service Locator-Toll Free Help Line

HIP provides critical day-to-day staff support and quality assurance to the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration’s management of their Toll Free Help Line (1-877-US-2JOBS) content and operations, supports America’s Service Locator (ASL) operations, assists a federal project manager in maintaining the ASL website, and coordinates a communication database (E-Main Push System).


Grant Review Panelists

Each year, the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration convenes panel reviews to evaluate and score eligible grant applications. These technical reviews are designed to choose the best programs for funding through a competitive solicitation process. Grant review panelists are selected for their expertise and their ability to objectively evaluate the quality of grant applications.

Interested in becoming a panelist? Please visit the Grant Panelists Registration page for more information.


Frontline Leadership Training

HIP designs and delivers comprehensive trainings to Treasury staff in the areas of leadership, supervisory management, communication, delegation, conflict resolution, and performance management.


Customer Centered Design Technical Assistance

HIP delivered project management, logistical conference support, virtual trainings, and coaching for Customer Centered Design through U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration and its 6 regional offices. HIP supported the innovation-focused projects, which include entities across the workforce development spectrum, to apply human centered design tools to improve performance outcomes, enhance program management, and facilitate policy alignment with the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act.


Strong Youth Strong Communities Summits

HIP supported Centene Corporation in developing and launching a nationwide program geared toward youth empowerment. HIP led the logistical coordination to conduct over 25 Strong Youth Strong Communities (SYSC) summits and special events in cities across the U.S. for Centene and key SYSC partner, the Pro Football Hall of Fame. These summits, held over a 3-year period, reached over 3,000 youth.


Grantee Technical Assistance and Coaching Services

HIP has supported 8 federal grant programs for the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). These grant programs have enabled over 100 organizations to implement training and workforce development programs for several populations, including dislocated and incumbent workers, unemployed individuals, formerly incarcerated youth and adults, and college students. The grant organizations that HIP supported included community colleges, non-profits, intermediaries, and consortiums at the local, state, and regional level.


Resources Developed

HIP has developed over 200 resources such as newsletters, toolkits, blogs, and case studies; and delivered nearly 300 webinars, peer-to-peer engagements, and grantee conferences (in-person and virtual) across 6 federal grant programs.

[Treasury] has been extremely pleased with the quality of service from Telling Your Story, LLC. They [HIP] have reacted quickly and professionally to unexpected changes related to COVID and consistently delivered excellent courses. They quickly re-formatted classes to be provided in a virtual format, provided technology solutions and support to shift classes to the virtual environment with little effort on [Treasury’s] part. Many of our attendees were skeptical of virtual leadership training, but we received consistent and overwhelmingly positive feedback from all course attendees.
— U.S. Department of the Treasury
I have had the honor and privilege of working with High Impact Partners (HIP) since 2010. Susan Shorters is a dynamic and dedicated professional who truly cares about her clients. This commitment to making an impact inspired me to partner with her and support the transition of Performance Excellence Partners’ 8(a) contracts to HIP. Our partnership continues on those projects and we have since joined forces on numerous other U.S. Department of Labor grantee support contracts. HIP continues to be a trusted and go-to partner. We are thrilled with HIP’s success and wish HIP and Susan much more in the future!
— Rachel E. Ramirez, CEO & President, Performance Excellence Partners, LLC (PEP)
Global Language Strategies (GLS) feels fortunate to work with High Impact Partners (HIP) as a subcontractor on a Department of Labor program. Their staff is highly professional and responsive. They have paid all invoices within record time, which is critical for small businesses. In the 20-plus years I’ve been working as an executive in government contracting, they are among the best partners I have worked with. They have earned a great deal of respect and trust from GLS.
— Dr. Rebekah Dyer, CEO & Founder, Global Language Strategies (GLS)