HIP Spotlight: Alex Melin, Project Manager


Q Alex, you have been working hard. You recently received your CAPM, Certified Associate in Project Management License, from PMI. Congratulations.

AM Thank you! It has been incredibly rewarding to apply the knowledge and skills that I have gained through my CAPM course to my current projects.

Q You have been with HIP for a few years now. Which projects and services do you provide for HIP?

AM I serve as the project lead for our contract with the National Science Foundation (NSF)/Office of Equity of Civil Rights. I also contribute as a ZOOM producer under the Treasury IRS contract. Previously, I worked as an instructional designer for the Department of Labor’s Office of Grants Management and as an analyst for Job Corps Demonstration Grants/Job Corps Scholars Grant.

Q You recently received your CAPM, Certified Associate in Project Management License, from PMI. Congratulations.

AM Thank you! It has been incredibly rewarding to apply the knowledge and skills that I have gained through my CAPM course to my current projects.

Q How did you get started in your line of work?

AM Before joining HIP, I worked as a STEM teacher and served as a founding teacher at two schools. As an educator, I developed my problem-solving and leadership skills and grew to love collaborating with teams to enhance outcomes. I learned of HIP's mission of generating positive, measurable impacts on people, projects, and performance, which resonated with me and aligned with where I wanted to continue contributing to my work!

Q That’s impressive. I noticed that since STEM was first introduced by the U.S., it has been used as a hiring mechanism to recruit STEM careers both internationally and domestically. Obviously, our own country is trying to build up our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics workforce and I’m sure there is a need to bolster teacher labor statistics.

AM Oh definitely. In my experience I was an educator for years in the schools, teaching either as a math or science teacher, or in one case, intro to engineering for fourth graders. In my capacity now, as a project lead for our National Science Foundation contract, it’s rewarding to have the connection to STEM from when I taught to now, as a project manager.

Q For those who are wondering what NSF is working towards, I just looked up their vision for 2030, and it is, “To ensure that the U.S. remains a world innovation leader.” That’s a goal I think we can all agree on.

AM Yeah, and just to add to that, one of their strategic goals is to ”empower talent to fully participate in science and learning by ensuring accessibility and inclusivity.” As a former STEM teacher, I’m happy to be part of their goals like increasing the involvement of underrepresented communities in STEM and enhancing capacity throughout the nation; and consequently, growing a diverse STEM workforce to advance the progress of science and technology.

Indeed. We are lucky to have partnered with NSF. Hopefully, there will be future projects to partner on, and we can continue providing our services.

Q What are your favorite types of projects to work on?

AM My favorite projects are those where I can collaborate with my team and the client to drive more efficient processes. Whether streamlining activities, developing products, improving outcomes, or fostering growth, developing and sharing solutions across an organization feels extremely rewarding.

Q Tell us something unique about you that your colleagues may not know.

AM I used to play professional soccer for Ajax in Amsterdam, Netherlands—one of Europe’s largest and most successful football clubs.

Q Super cool. What position did you play?

AM I played center mid-field.

Q Any chance of going out for the USA team?

AM Ha! That career path has passed but that would have been a dream.

Q What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?

AM Never stop learning. Change is constant, and it's essential to remain adaptable and open-minded in the face of new challenges and opportunities.

Q What are your future career goals? (Do a plug for yourself and where you see yourself in two years?)

AM I am passionate about resolving challenges for both people and organizations, which is why I enjoy consulting and project management! In the coming years, I aim to lead initiatives that drive sustainable positive change and further enhance my expertise by obtaining my PMP certification. I also hope to gain experience and training in leadership and organizational change.

Q Outside of work, what do you like to do for fun?

AM Outside of work, I find joy in movement and learning. Whether it's playing guitar, gardening, cooking, or hiking with my dog, I enjoy trying something new. Most recently, I obtained my scuba diving certification with my partner, and I look forward to going on more underwater adventures!

Q Wow, nice work-life balance! Where was the last place you scuba dove?

AM Bonaire, a Caribbean Island, where Dutch is the official language and Papiamentu is the native language. Ik spree keen beetje Nederlands.

Q If I were to come over to dinner tonight, what would you be cooking?

AM Probably Za’atar, roasted eggplant. I like to cook a lot of Mediterranean foods.

Thank you, Alex, for all your hard work and being a great HIPster!


HIP Spotlight: Courtney Collins, Project Specialist


HIP Spotlight: Damon Jones, Subject Matter Expert